Tuesday 20 January 2015

One Hot Minute Later…

So…been a while, huh?

Don’t think I just abandoned the blog, I’ve drafted up a few posts to do with eyeliner, salt sprays and a couple of other things but, in all honesty, I just didn’t feel like they were up to my personal standard and something you couldn’t easily find on the internet or something I could go into as much depth as I wanted to.

Life has been pretty busy for me the last few months, a lot’s been happening and I don’t see signs of that slowing down any time soon.

Here’s a quick round up:
  • -          I have a cute boyfriend now, he’s pretty cool
  • -          My internship ended
  • -          Unemployed 4eva </3
  • -          Potential employment opportunity this week that I’m super excited about
  • -          House junk
  • -          Emotions stemming from house junk
  • -          Emotions from this time of year in general
  • -          Getting drunk on New Years Eve and buying Taylor Swift’s album and listening to it non-stop, mainly in the shower

It probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to a lot of you.

My main point is that I’m trying to post more to this blog but I set high standards for myself, my writing and my ideas. I started this whole thing because I couldn’t find many bloggers I related to in terms of what I did, my budgets, skin type, body type, all that junk and in turn, their shining recommendations did not work 100% for me.

I lied, my main point is actually that I’m trying to build this up more because I enjoy it and I’ve made a few purchases lately that I will be featuring soon.

I hope you all had a great holiday season and your 2015 is going swell.

See you soon, kids.


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